Cosmic Connection @ ResonateATX
Join Chakraology’s founder Johnny Barnett every other Thursday at ResonateATX in Austin for Cosmic Connections -where you’ll learn a whole lot about yourself and a bit of Astrology along the way.

Each Cosmic Connection gathering will focus on specific astrological element – Moon sign, Rising sign, Sun sign, etc….(participants will have their astrological signs calculated for them) and then learn about a part of yourself that you may not have considered before. We will interact with others with similar signs (Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs) and then mix it up and explore what the other signs different than ours are about. Astrologer Johnny Barnett guides you through the evening as you learn and discover what it is in you that draws you to some people and what in you is repelled by others. Learn a new skill when it comes to navigating relationship. New ways of being in the world will be found and new ways of interacting with friends, business associates, lovers, family, strangers, rivals and more! Details and registration –
1st Cosmic Connection Event- July 14
The Cosmic Connections Series begins with Moon Signs – the part of our astrological chart that represents Emotions and the way we relate and connect with others. Learn all about your emotional needs and style- and the emotional needs and style of others. See how you Moon sign can dramatically shape your experience of someone of a certain Sun sign. For example – you don’t experience all Aries the same. Some you like, some you don’t, some you are indifferent to. You’ll see how their Moon Sign affects they way you perceive them- just as your Moon sign shapes the way others perceive you!
Details and registration –