Chakras, Mythology and Astrological Symbolism

Online * Video * Book * Live-in person

This class came to me as a download around the time of Imbolc, 2011, shortly after declaring to the Universe my intention to make astrology my full-time work.  I realized the 7 planets of traditional astrology were the companions to the 7 Chakras and their energies define us as empowered humans. This immediately became my mission and my passion – to share this inspirational message to as many people as I possibly can!  I have been criss-crossing the US teaching this class ever since. Chakraology re-awakens us to our fundamental essence and leads us to consciously embrace and use these cosmic/mythological energies in our work, our relationships and our own personal search for purpose, meaning and fulfilment.

A few essential words describing each Chakra, when taken together, form a 26-word sentence that literally tells us why we are here! The answers are in the combined wisdom of Astrology, the Mythology of ancient Greece and the encoded messages found in the Bible (the one’s your preacher doesn’t know about).

Chakras, Mythology and Astrological Symbolism is a step by step look at each Chakra and it’s astrological/mythological symbolism – giving us a clear picture of the forces we embody and an understanding of how and why we can be driven to act, feel and do. The final step leads us to synthesis and we learn the key to blending these 7 energies and becoming a fully-empowered human.


Online presentations of “Chakras, Mythology and Astrological Symbolism” for your group may be scheduled by contacting Johnny- Class details are found on the Chakraology Facebook page. Classes are presented via Zoom and can be paid for using Venmo, credit card or Paypal.

Live, in-person classes may also be scheduled for your group, business or family by emailing

Online classes are approximately an hour and a half long with an additional 30 minutes for questions and discussion afterwards.


The video version was recorded live in 2013 in Austin, Texas. and runs 1 hour 23 minutes. You have the option of downloading a copy or viewing on Youtube. Once payment has been recieved you will be emailed a link to download or view.

viewing options




The book is essentially the same information as the live and online presentations and is now available via Kindle and as a PDF .

PDF Version – $7.77







Chakras, Mythology and Astrological Symbolism- Extended Workshop

Collinsville, MS – May 21 or 22

Tuesday, May 21

2 – 5 pm

Wednesday, May 22

6 – 9 pm


Live presentations are currently being scheduled and held in the South and Mid-West United States including VA, NC, GA, FL, MO, AR, TX, MS, AL and more

Contact Johnny to schedule an in-person presentation –

 Chakras, Mythhology and Astrological Symbolism is a 2-hour presentation which I have presented coast to coast in bookstores, at conferences and festivals, at healing centers, in private homes and in churches in dozens of cities and states throughout the US. Most live classes are now being livestreamed via Zoom as well. -JB

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